Friday, February 02, 2007

Daniel Pipes at UC-Irvine

The following presentation by Daniel Pipes is worth watching for two reasons. First, it gives excellent insight into the topic of Israel's threatened existence. Second, the events of the talk itself manage to illustrate how those threats are supported in the university.

Here is the 54 minute talk, from beginning to end. The disruption begins at 15:09, and the talk resumes at 17:25.

This shorter video gives a different perspective of the night. First, there is 5:42 minutes of Pipes, then the disruption, and then the videotaper follows the disrupters outside as they continue. At 12:00, we hear the leader say, "it's just a matter of time before the State of Israel will be wiped off the face of the map," in response to which the crowd - which as Pipes noted was "self-exiled, standing in the dark and the cold" - yells "Allahu akhbar."
Meanwhile, those who remained in the auditorium chanted "Am Yisrael Chai." Most definitely.

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